Hi my nam is blobaee and I Love blobaee mafuss bcopss They are yam to e’t and. Mum dasnt Latt me haffing a blobaee mafuss bcopss There. Are for The casbm.
(Hi my name is Blueberry, and I love to eat Blueberry muffins, because they are yum to eat, and mum doesn’t let me have a blueberry muffin, because they are for the customers.)
It was not long though before spelling became the schools focus, and she lost the willingness to wite, in case she got it wrong!
We had worked hard to build a desire to be creative and a love of stories, so seeing her close down was difficult. We wanted her to be confident and like learning but were at a loss of what to do.
Reading and writing are an important part of society and we were fortunate to be able to invest in some tutoring support for her. She recognised that moving to High School was going to be a big step and accepted the help of offer.
She still struggles with spelling but is currently in her second year of study and is not letting it hold her back.
Life can be derailed so easily by another person’s focus.
Is spelling more important than creativity?
I don’t have the answer for you, I am just asking the question.
This is how I work.
I provide you with questions to ponder. That way you can work out what support you actually need to improve you parenting.